Vegas Pics Plus Mac Honey Collection Giveaway

Vegas Pics Plus Mac Honey Collection Giveaway . Hey Beauties, I'm back from Vegas and I had a great time. I actually won $40 on the rou...

Vegas Pics Plus Mac Honey Collection Giveaway. Hey Beauties, I'm back from Vegas and I had a great time. I actually won $40 on the roulette table. For those of you that are curious you can see some Vegas pics below. I also had a chance to visit the Mac Pro Store at Caesars Palace which was tons of fun I picked up a few eye shadows to add to my collection and as promised picked up some goodies for my lovely readers. FYI I'll be having more Mac Giveaways from the up and coming collections so make sure you tune in for those. To enter simply enter your name and email address in the contest machine section below good luck and there will be one very lucky winner. Good Luck to All!

So what will the lucky winner win? One tinted lipgloss called Buzz, Mac Naked Honey Body Wash and a maybelline coasal mascara. I'll be having my own review and swatches coming up next week so look out for that as well.

The Grand Prize

Vegas Pics

At The Pussy Cat Dolls Casino It was Super Sexy

My Mom and I

At The Mac Pro Store

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Jamie said...

Don't you just LOVE the smell of the MAC Honey! I've been freelancing up at MAC the past few weeks and can't get enough of it! My girl that used to work with me at MAC in SC used to work at the MAC Pro Ceasars and just tf to the newer on the strip in Vegas! Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Aww I bet that was so fun! You;re gprgeous too btw :)

Unknown said...

thanks girls! and the Honey collection does smell real good.

crystal said...

Hi FashionPrincess
You are soooo pretty and your pictures are great!!
Have a great week;)

1955nurse said...

I sooo would love to try these, wspecially the Mac bodywash! Thanks for the chance.....

lutefisk said...

I love this selection.

sparklingpinkgorilla said...

You always have the best giveaways!




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All products reviewed on this blog have been purchased with my own money. Any results that have been seen by me and written in a reviewed product are all of my opinion. Individual results for products may be different for each person. Try it if you think it will work for you. I often use affiliate links and shopsense, which gives the blog commission when you click and purchase something from that link. It's just like a retail associate who works on a commission basis.